Get involved in the Brikcoin community and you’ll not only do some social good but you’ll also be rewarded with a handsome return - a minimum 10% per annum guaranteed!
Brikcoin is an independent private developer dedicated to delivering 100% genuinely affordable and key worker housing. Your investment gives you the opportunity to own Shares or “BRIK” in the development company. Your investment is fully asset-backed by not just one property, but every property that BRIKCOIN acquires or develops. And with guilt-edged Government approved contracts over long periods of time, we can guarantee the growth of BRIKCOIN.
BRIKCOIN is a win for investors, it’s a win for local authorities and it’s a win for those in need of affordable housing.
and easy to register
and investGuaranteed
Minimum 10% Returns
per AnnumNo fees
or hidden
chargesAccess your
money whenever
you want 24/7Fully secure
investment - powered
through BlockChain
Why Invest with Brikcoin?
- Your ’Share’ secured in UK property assets.
- Guaranteed minimum 10% return per annum.
- BRIKCOIN is tax free*, fully asset-protected and delivers exceptional and sustainable growth.
- Exposure to an £11,000,000,000 property market sector.
- On listing on exchanges the worldwide demand for BRIKCOIN will drive the value up.
- Referral program offering an additional 10% bonus if you introduce friends or family.
- Each new addition to BRIKCOIN’s property portfolio increases the value of BRIK and further secures its value.
- Every BRIK issued is asset-backed by the properties that BRIKCOIN develops and owns, protecting BRIK holders from any downside.
- BRIKCOIN retains ownership of each of its developments and acts as a Private Landlord, meaning each property is not subject to ‘right-to-buy’.
- We safeguard your investment; each development is individually ring-fenced, therefore protected and remains insolvency remote.
- UK Government signs a long lease as parental guarantor, which guarantees all rent payments over a 10-50 year period.
- Fully secured investment powered through BlockChain.
- As a BRIK holder you will have constant access to your investment through our online dashboard.
- BRIKCOIN will list on worldwide exchanges where BRIK can be easily bought and sold 24/7 365 days a year.
- BRIKCOIN will enable the significant upside benefits of liquidity from a digital currency, matched with global property investment; whilst protecting it's owners from any downside.
- We have market makers and exchange partners who will handle and safeguard the high liquidity pricing of BRIK.
- Easy and secure three step online account set up. It’s easier than online banking!
- Enjoy hassle-free investment in UK property; we manage the entire property development and we give you the tools to monitor your investment through our secure platform.
- No more landlord headaches, from difficult tenants to high management fees, just relax and watch your real estate investment grow.
- Zero fees, no commissions or legal fees.
- 100% of your money is invested - no middle men or costly “financial advisers”.
Demand for Affordable Housing
Households on local authority
waiting lists for affordable
homes in England
year ending March 2018
Are hit by the housing crisis in England
- that’s 1 in 7 people
October 2018
New social homes are needed
in England very year
- only 6,000 built in 2018
September 2019
There is a real demand for affordable and key worker housing in the UK.
The UK needs 3 million affordable homes by 2040 and there were only 6,000 social homes built in 2018. The affordable housing market is worth £11 BILLION and BRIKCOIN will grow with this nearly inexhaustible demand, delivering high quality housing to those who need it and building value for BRIKCOIN investors.

Simple payments app to build transactional value through an asset-backed currency.
Will launch after the first few developments to leverage tenant base.

Guaranteed User Base
Ready user-base from tenants in BRIKCOIN properties + commercial venues on-site. Partnerships with local business and chains nearby leveraging user-base at launch.
Real transactors
User-base of real transactors who need to spend and receive instead of holders. Financial freedom for those who need it the most in affordable housing developments.
Payments for All
Built to be basic and intuitive, bringing blockchain payments to all industries, including online gambling. With a focus on security, efficiency, and transparency, our payment system aims to bring blockchain technology to new UK casinos not on Gamstop. Join the revolution and enjoy the convenience and flexibility of blockchain-powered payments today. Blockchain technology in new UK casinos not on GamStop enhances security and transparency, providing immutable records of transactions and fair game outcomes through decentralized systems.

Read ShowHouse magazine feature on BRIKCOIN online now!
We were very proud to be featured in the ShowHouse magazine print issue August 2019 edition and now the full article is available online to read. It is a great basic overview of how BRIKCOIN aims to solve the affordable housing crisis through our unique funding model,...
read more
How can BRIKCOIN guarantee a 10% yearly return? - THE BUYBACK PROGRAM
We have had some questions from investors about our 10% return guarantee, so we have put together answers to some commonly asked questions. Additionally, as we understand the importance of staying informed about potential investment opportunities, we have included insights on the best altcoins to invest in 2024 to assist our investors in making well-informed decisions.
read moreBRIKCOIN © 2018 All rights reserved.
[email protected]
BRIKCOIN, Kemp House, 160 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX, UK